Corporate governance

Corporate Governance is an integral part of how B&S chooses to do business. The desire to pursue best practices is embedded in our corporate philosophy and policies.

Find all principles & policies under downloads or go directly to the general meetings overview.

Corporate governance
Corporate governance

Organisational structure

B&S was incorporated on December 13, 2007 as a private limited liability company, under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and is domiciled in Mensdorf, Luxembourg. The Company has been converted into a public limited liability company on March 8, 2018. It operates a two-tier board structure, managed by an Executive Board and supervised by a Supervisory Board.

Share transactions by management

General meetings

At least once a year, B&S convenes a shareholder meeting (Annual General Meeting). Other General meetings may at any time be convened by the Executive Board, the Supervisory Board or statutory auditors. Meetings can also be convened at the written request of shareholders jointly representing at least 10% of the voting rights in the General Meeting.

General meetings

Principles & Policies

The corporate governance of B&S is determined by Luxembourg Law, the Articles of Association and – as these are underwritten by B&S – by the regulations of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code (the ‘Code’). Although the company is organised under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, and as such not subject to the Code, we acknowledge the importance of good governance and are committed to comply with the principles as set out in the Code. Considering our interests and the interest of our shareholders we deviate from a limited number of best practice provisions of the Code.

All principles & policies

Whistleblower Policy

Integrity and safety are important to B&S and we do everything we can to ensure this. We want a culture in which people feel free and willing to report wrongdoing. Our Whistleblower Policy encourages and protects our stakeholders such as (former) employees, temporary workers, trainees, shareholders and parties with whom B&S has a business relationship to speak up when they encounter behaviour by or within B&S that is/seems unethical, illegal or goes against the values of our Code of Business Ethics.

Should you have any complaints or wish to report any (concerns about) suspected or actual criminal conduct, unethical conduct or other misconduct you can contact our members of the Whistleblower reporting committee (Compliance Officer and Internal Auditor) via [email protected].